Within the scope of a specific project the investigation was basically devoted to development of a practical and consistent methodology for structural state diagnosis. Once the energy demand for a structure is estimated from the earthquake ground motion, the damage potential must be quantified by a combination of response and energy parameters according to Park and Ang, 1985. The seismic performance requirement must be achieved through system selection, detailing requirements, design force levels, and permissible drift, based on the Seismic Design Code, considering also the use of the building and the seismicity of the region containing the building site together with the effect of the site conditions. In addition to casualties, loss may be expressed in terms of property and operational capability. In Chapter 3 seismic design requirements or levels are the intended post-earthquake condition of a building a well-defined point on a scale measuring how much loss is caused by earthquake damage. The four spectral parameter maps allowed the construction of site-specific Uniform Hazard Spectra for all of Albania and were suggested as the basis of the next version of the KTP-N.2-89 Technical Seismic Regulations to improve earthquake-resistant design code in Albania. Ten seismic source zones were used to define the seismicity. to 2000, with magnitude Ms>4.5 in the region between 39/N and 43/N and 18.5/E and 21.5/E was used in this study. A revised catalogue of Albanian earthquakes, from 58 A.D. Chapter 2 is focused on the seismicity of Albania as a country with a high rate of seismicity in which earthquake risk reduction has been an important, on-going socioeconomic concern. This thesis presents an investigation of different codes, methodology and techniques used in different countries with the aim to define an appropriate concept for rehabilitation of existing buildings.