If your video game folder provides not really the LIC folder after that develop it with the help of PS3Generate LlC.DAT.(Open up PS3GenerateLIC.Make certain your sport folder offers LIC.DAT Folder (Necessary).After herb, you obtained 3 folders: CFW2OFW V11, PS3GenerateLIC.DAT, and make-backup-pkg.
Download ánd remove PKG Producer Toolson your Personal computer. Note:All the games will not really transform into PKG, probably some games converted but not really operating ón PS3 How to create PKG data files Therefore if you need to edit the makefiles, you may have to bundle a custom patch with the PKGBUILD and install it from inside the prepare() function, or you might have to issue some sed commands from inside the prepare() function.Imp. However, makepkg needs to be completely autonomous, with no user input. In some really bad cases, you have to edit the source files to get it to work at all. You will have to do quite a bit of research (read READMEs, INSTALL instructions, man pages, perhaps ebuilds from Gentoo or other package installers, possibly even the MAKEFILEs or source code) to get it working. In a few cases, the packages are not even available as source and you have to use something like sh n to get it to work. There is not any magic pixie dust in makepkg that makes source problems go away. Rule of thumb: If you cannot get the program to compile from the source tarball, and make it install itself to a defined, temporary subdirectory, you do not even need to try packaging it. configure make make install', this is not always the case, and things can get real ugly if you have to apply patches to make everything work at all. Unfortunately, although a good bunch of program authors stick to the 3-step build cycle of '. Before you can automate the package building process, you should have done it manually at least once unless you know exactly what you are doing in advance, in which case you would not be reading this in the first place. Many of PS3 games are not available in PKG format. Warnings OrbisPKG PS4 Tool: View / Edit Retail & Fake Packages By. This video will help you to learn how to convert any PS3 game to PKG format. Run makepkg and check whether the package builds correctly. Edit the PKGBUILD according to the needs of your package.
Copy over the prototype /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD.proto and rename it to PKGBUILD in a temporary working directory.Try compiling the package and installing it into an arbitrary directory.Download the source tarball of the software to package.Please read AUR_submission_guidelines for a detailed description of the submission process.